Conference design


Branding strategy for tech & career conference. Our approach focused on capturing the conference's unique values and objectives, resulting in a successful event that received positive feedback and high attendance rates.


Compass, a career conference for Asians in the tech industry, was held in Silicon Valley with the aim of delivering a professional, approachable, and exciting experience for all stakeholders, including speakers, sponsors, and attendees. As the brand and experience design lead for this event, Studio Salt was tasked with creating a memorable and impactful identity that would resonate with the target audience.

With a tight deadline to work with, we collaborated closely with to ensure that all aspects of the event design were completed on time and to the highest standards. From developing the visual identity and marketing materials to designing the event space, we ensured that every touchpoint reflected the core values and messaging of the conference.

The result was a highly successful event that received a great deal of positive feedback and a high customer satisfaction rate post-event. Attendees were delighted by the immersive and engaging experience, which included thought-provoking keynote speeches, informative panel discussions, and valuable networking opportunities.

At Studio Salt, we take pride in delivering exceptional design solutions that exceed our clients' expectations. We were thrilled to be part of this project and look forward to collaborating on future projects that make a positive impact in the tech industry.

Backstage of COMPASS 2018

In just under two months, our team of 5 designers collaborated to bring COMPASS 2018, a unique career conference for Asians in Silicon Valley, to life. With a focus on efficiency, attention to detail, and a passion for delivering exceptional design solutions, we worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that every aspect of the event was executed seamlessly.

From the initial stages of developing the visual identity and website design to creating marketing collateral such as posters, badges, and screens, we took pride in our work and went the extra mile to ensure that every detail was perfect. We also paid attention to the finer details that may have gone unnoticed, such as the event backdrops and other subtle elements that added to the overall ambiance.

Brand Research

Our primary objective for the branding of COMPASS was to create a professional, approachable, and exciting experience for attendees. To achieve this, we chose the name COMPASS, as it represents the idea of providing direction for one's career. Specifically, it stands for "COMmunicate and PASS on career insights."

To convey this message effectively, we opted for a wordmark logo that would clearly and simply present the brand name. This approach also gave us the flexibility and creative freedom to play with the meaning of COMPASS in our branding efforts.

In developing the branding and visual identity for the event, we conducted thorough research, examining similar events and gathering inspiration from a range of sources. We created mood boards to capture the desired tone and worked closely with the event organizers to ensure that the branding reflected the values and messaging of the conference.

The end result was a cohesive and impactful visual identity that resonated with attendees and effectively communicated the mission and values of the event. At our design agency, we take pride in creating effective and memorable branding solutions that elevate our clients' events and initiatives.

Logo Design

We were tasked with creating a visual identity for COMPASS that would infuse energy and vibrancy into the event. To achieve this, we chose a color palette that blended maturity with energy, using navy blue as a base color and pairing it with energetic red and orange accents. The warm and cool color combination provided the right amount of contrast, creating a dynamic and eye-catching visual impact.

As the branding developed, we also decided to add green to the color palette, representing growth and personal development, which was a key theme of the conference.

Through careful consideration and collaboration with the event organizers, we were able to develop a unique and memorable color palette that captured the essence of the event and resonated with attendees. At our design agency, we take pride in creating impactful visual identities that effectively communicate our clients' values and messaging.

Our team generated four logo concepts for COMPASS, each reflecting the event's mission and values. After careful consideration and evaluation, we unanimously decided on the second concept, which centered around the idea of a "path" and provided a clear visual representation of the brand name.

To refine the logo further, we experimented with different variations of the lettering, adding various cuts and strokes to the C and S. Through trial and error, we eventually arrived at a design that effectively communicated the essence of the event and aligned with the desired tone and messaging.

To ensure the logo was versatile and adaptable to various contexts, we applied it to different colored backgrounds, allowing us to test its readability and effectiveness in different settings. This process helped us to create a logo that was both visually appealing and functional.

At our design agency, we take pride in our collaborative approach to design, working closely with clients to create effective and memorable visual identities.

Website Design

With our logo and color palette in place, we turned our attention to creating a website that would showcase the event and provide attendees with all the information they needed. As the agenda and speaker information were subject to change, we chose Wix as our website host. Its user-friendly interface and easy-to-use content management system allowed us to make changes quickly and efficiently, without requiring any additional engineering effort.

To manage ticket distribution, we also created an Eventbrite page that we kept consistently updated with the latest event information. This integration of tools like Wix and Eventbrite streamlined our workflow and increased our productivity, enabling us to focus on delivering a high-quality event experience for attendees.

At our design agency, we prioritize using the latest technology and tools to make the design process more efficient and effective. By leveraging these resources, we can deliver exceptional results that meet our clients' needs and exceed their expectations.

Design the Event

As we approached the final month before the conference, we shifted our focus to designing the various elements that would define the visual experience for attendees. These included badges, banner stands, T-shirts, posters, and more. With multiple colors and visual elements to work with, it was crucial to maintain a clear and organized approach to the design process.

To ensure consistency and clarity across all elements, we established a clear hierarchical system for the color palette, with navy blue as the dominant color, red as the secondary color, and yellow and green as highlight colors. We also utilized gradients and arrows to create a cohesive visual style that tied all the elements together.

With the deadline fast approaching, we needed to move quickly to finalize the designs and send them to print. Despite the time constraints, we remained focused and committed to delivering high-quality designs that met the event's standards and expectations.

The Santa Clara Convention Center was chosen as the venue for our conference, providing ample space for multiple events to take place simultaneously. To ensure a smooth and efficient experience for our attendees, our team conducted several site visits to familiarize ourselves with the location and its various layers.

Through careful planning and consideration of the venue's layout, we strategically incorporated our visual system to guide attendees through the space and into the main conference room. This included the use of clear signage and directional cues, as well as the application of our color palette and design elements throughout the space.

Our attention to detail and thoughtful approach to venue design ensured a seamless and enjoyable experience for all attendees, contributing to the overall success of the event. At our design agency, we understand the importance of creating a cohesive and engaging visual experience that resonates with audiences and drives results.

As we finalized the schedule, agenda, and speakers for the conference, our team recognized the importance of providing attendees with a comprehensive and easy-to-use guide. To achieve this, we created a handy brochure that included essential information such as the agenda, sponsors, partners, and volunteer details.

In addition to this, we sought to create a memorable and enjoyable experience for attendees. To accomplish this, we designed and hand-painted career-themed props that were used throughout the event, providing a fun and engaging element for participants. This proved to be a highlight of the conference, generating positive feedback from attendees and contributing to the overall success of the event.


The success of COMPASS can be attributed to a collaborative effort from our agency, the detailed planning from Leap and vendors, community engagement, and highly motivated volunteers. The attention to detail in every aspect of the event, from the branding to the visual experience, ensured a smooth and successful conference. The positive feedback from attendees about the overall design and experience was overwhelming, and we received an impressive 80% satisfaction rate based on the post-conference survey we sent out.​​​​​​​